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Architecture today unveils the simple, dynamic lines that, combined with the large glass surfaces, highlight the sense of freedom and comfort. The external environment is joined with the interior of the building and is its natural continuity.Minimal frames are new ,advanced ,innovated systems the best combination between minimal view and high performances.


Our company undertakes to create fireproof structures in accordance with the Laws and the requirements of the fire protection regulations according to the circumstances.


Our company proposes stylish solutions for seniors and people with special needs. Based on your wishes, we advise and design the optimal solution that will meet all your needs.


Our company is well aware of the energy glass and its benefits. Replacing the frames offers you multiple benefits in terms of energy consumption.

The company MACHOS-MACHOU OE has been operating since 2000 in the service of specialized needs in the field of construction of professional spaces and hotel, exhibitions stands using innovative materials and technologies in the sectors of glass window frames and stainless steel construction in the design of high aesthetic spaces and functionality. In our company you can find a specialized consultant and partner for your project . 

Our products are distinguished by high quality however preventative control and service are an integral part of the life cycle of a proper installation.


Important Info

Exoikonomisi Kat’ Oikon II
The new program “Exoikonomisi Kat’ Oikon II” was designed for energy-saving (green) interventions in the residential building sector and is addressed to property owners whose main residence is at a low energy gradation. The program provides financial incentives to beneficiaries in the form of a grant and subsidized interest rate. This enables making significant interventions, which will improve the energy performance of their property.


All of the European Energy Savings and Energy Efficiency Legislation, as well as the relevant laws with which legislation is incorporated into National Law, require information, dissemination and information actions to promote energy efficiency measures in buildings. The program aims to raise citizens' awareness of energy-saving issues and the benefits of improving the energy efficiency of buildings. The promotion of energy upgrading measures in buildings focuses on actions to: the citizen and the consumer, the supplier and artisan of energy products, the industrial sector, sectoral organizations and associations related to buildings.


See some of our latest projects

